The Impact of Blood Sugar Balance on Depression and Anxiety: What You Need to Know
Blood sugar imbalance is a term we should all be familiar with by now. Our body needs a constant supply of glucose to make ATP, the...

Two Best Nutrients for the Brain
I wanted to briefly talk about two very important nutrients that may be the best when it comes to supporting brain health. The first...

Is a Food Sensitivity Causing Your Weight Loss Resistance?
Losing those last 10 to 20 pounds can be the hardest part of one's weight loss journey. And sometimes people struggle to lose any weight...

Leaky Gut - Part 2
A lot of you are now familiar with this term - "leaky gut". But what does this really mean? What is really going on when someone has...

You Have to Really Want It
If someone wants something bad enough, just about anything is possible. The same can be true for weight loss and/or improved health....

The "Slow Burn"
There are various forms of carbohydrates that people can eat. When most people think of carbs they likely think of pizza. However, the...

Support Your Genes So They Can Support You
As genetic tests become increasingly popular, I believe it is important to understand how the results can be applied to better your...

Keeping Your Brain Healthy in 2020 and Beyond
As 2020 comes to a close (hurray!), I feel it is important to take some time out and reflect on the mental impact this year has had on...

Keeping Your Gut Healthy in 2020
The year 2020 got off to a bad start. First Kobe's tragic death. And now we are almost half way through and things have gotten a whole...

Immunity (not Apocalypse) Now!
Modern medicine in general is well equipped to deal with pathogenic bacteria. A wide array of antibiotics exist that can kill and even...